Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Expect the Unexpected

A funny thing happened yesterday. Someone at work walked back to my office space and handed me a check. To some, this might be an oddity during the work day. In my position, however, this is a normal occurrence. So, naturally, I was slightly irritated at the interruption of what I assumed was additional work. After a moment, however, I noticed that the check was for an unusual amount. Closer inspection then revealed that the check was made out to me instead of my place of employment. Quickly I asked the identity of the deliverer. At the response, the pieces instantly came together and a smile immediately spanned the width of my face.

Approximately four months ago, I was given the opportunity to assist with some construction/design work with a friend of a friend of a friend for some extra spending money. The opportunity to do manual labor, learn something new, and work amongst “friends” was quite appealing. That day was a sun-up to sun-down experience, concluded with barbeque and beer (perfect). While it proved rewarding on many levels, it was more enjoyable because of the monetary rewards that had been promised. Rewards, at the time, that were desperately needed.

One week after the “rewarding” experience, I had yet to receive the green fruits of my labor. One week turned into one month and a string of unreturned, pleasant phone calls. One month turned into two months and a string of pleasant, funny even, unreturned texts. This brings us to the present. In my mind, I had turned this one over to karma. Although now a little bit more hesitant of friends of friends of friends, I had already buried this experience with laughter and a shrug. I can’t help but wonder, why now? Did karma knock on his door? Was he afraid I’d be waiting for him on the other side? Regardless, it reinforces one of the very things, in my opinion, that makes life worth living…the unexpected. Just when you think you know, you don’t. And THAT is exciting.

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